Friday, January 31, 2014

Library Scavenger Hunts...

This week in class, on Monday I believe, we had a little scavenger hunt in the library. I mean that was pretty cool, but at the same time its like, what are we, in fifth grade? Yes, it was kind of fun to roam around the library and find things, but honestly, I think us college students are old enough to either find what we need in the library by ourselves or ask a librarian. I do feel kind of bad for the librarian that put this together for us, however, because we were a little rude and rowdy. But what would you expect from college students doing an elementary scavenger hunt in the library? Anyways, it was a pretty fun class, but I think the library scavenger hunt was a little too easy and pointless for a college level class.


  1. I totally agree with you about the scavenger hunt being a bit too childish! I felt like I was in elementary school again. I feel like as college student we are old enough to know our way around a library.

  2. I agree with your whole post! I thought i was back in elementary school, going on a field trip to the library! i just felt like it was a waste of time cause most of us already know everything that we had to do! Everything was pretty obvious! but i do appreciate the librarian taking time out of her day to come talk to us! if someone came up in there, not knowing anything about the library then yeah that scavenger hunt probably wouldve been helpful to them! but atleast it got us out of class and it was somewhat interesting and fun!
